Saturday, 8 September 2018

How You Can Help (Version V)

YOU can help us.

Here's how:

1. Sign the latest anti-BBC petition.  [Note: UK Parliament will send you an e-mail with a link that you need to click on to confirm your signature to the petition.  If it doesn't appear in your Inbox, please check your Spam/Junk folder].

2. Tell your friends, family, contacts and work colleagues about the petition and give them the link so they can sign it too.

3. To help further promote the petition, a very easy but important step you can take is to open a free account over at buffer, the social media tool, and schedule some automated messages for your Twitter and Facebook accounts with the petition link.  If you're really keen to help, then for maximum effect you should schedule for 4 or 5 messages to be sent out each day and re-schedule these every couple of days.  We appreciate that's something of a commitment, so if you can only manage to schedule one message for each platform per day, that would still help greatly, and would also mean that you only need to re-schedule the automated messages on a weekly basis.  Each message needs to be worded differently (though the change in wording need only be very slight) and should include the petition link [].  

4. Write to your local MP.  If you're not sure who that is, you can search for your MP here.  We also recommend you use the UK Parliament constituency search page to find your MP's exact contact details, once you know their name.  Letters (snail mail) are the most effective, but e-mail is fine if that's all you have time for. It's best if you compose the letter in your own words, but if it helps, feel free to refer the MP to our website and key links such as the summary of our case against the BBC here.  If you do e-mail, make sure you include your address within the constituency, as that ensures a reply.  Do send us a copy of what you write and let us know if you receive a reply!  

5. Support our #AbolishTheBBC Challenge and help us take on the BBC live on-air.  Click here for more details.

6. Share our blog posts with others: click the social media links at the foot of each post.
7. Add your own comments to our blog posts to let us know you support us.

8. Visit and click 'Like' on our Facebook Page and invite others to do the same; 'Like' and share our Facebook posts.

9. If you use Facebook a lot, add our campaign banner to your profile photo.  Just save the .png image below to your computer [right-click, then Save as...], then go to the Facebook frames page and follow the instructions.

10. Follow us on Twitter, add the campaign hashtag #AbolishTheBBC to your profile description, and press 'like' and 're-tweet' whenever you see one of our tweets. 

11. Tell friends, family, contacts and work colleagues about our campaign and suggest they search online for our campaign #AbolishTheBBC.

12. Get in touch at, with messages of support, ideas, and suggestions.

13. Can you become a local contact for our campaign? We'd especially like to hear from people who live in the constituencies we are focusing on in Operation Target. Please check the list of the relevant target constituencies and get in touch with us if you're from one of those areas.

14. We're especially keen to hear from anybody who can promote our campaign and spread the word. Perhaps you have a network of contacts or influencers who can help?  Please e-mail us.


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