Monday, 27 August 2018

The #AbolishTheBBC Challenge

Our challenge to the BBC:

1. Mention, just once, our campaign hashtag, #AbolishTheBBC, live on one of your shows, so that the BBC's own viewers and listeners can seek us out and decide for themselves about the BBC.

2. In addition, or in the alternative, we are happy to put forward one of our number for an interview on a live broadcast of yours - radio or television.  On the simple condition that we can speak freely and mention our campaign, you can ask us whatever you like.  All you need to do is e-mail us to make the necessary arrangements.


Further Comment

To the best of our knowledge, nobody at the BBC has taken us up on 1 above, and certainly the BBC has not taken us up on 2 above.  This is puzzling - what could the BBC possibly have to fear by informing its own loyal viewers and listeners of our campaign?  Ipso facto, viewers and listeners should be dutiful supporters of the BBC rather than us.

The Reithian Principles and the BBC’s own notional commitment to 'impartiality' require that all viewpoints are heard.  Replying to us on social media (which several BBC personalities have done) is not enough, the BBC is a broadcaster.  So we await contact from somebody at the BBC - either they mention our campaign hashtag or they invite us on air.  They can contact us at any time.

We expect to be issuing this challenge to everybody we encounter from the BBC.


How You Can Help

If you support our campaign:

1. Send the BBC a link to this page and ask them why they haven't taken us up on The #AbolishTheBBC Challenge.

2. Issue the BBC with your own #AbolishTheBBC Challenge along the same lines - and if you make it onto the air, or the BBC mention you, let us know!


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