The BBC doesn't fear us specifically or our campaign, but DOES fear the idea behind our campaign: which is that the BBC can be abolished and dismantled like any other public institution. Our campaign is not the end of the BBC, but it is the beginning of the end - others will take up our idea and take up the baton. It is the idea that counts, not the people or organisations involved. One day the BBC, and the rest of the whole rotten Establishment in this country, will topple.
It is by spreading the idea - Abolish The BBC - that we will put fear into the BBC and the wider Left who depend on it.
Even if abolishing the BBC is not politically-possible, by spreading a meme that calls for this, we are helping to shift the parameters of debate. This may result in further reform of the BBC, but we want it to be shut down.
If the BBC is ever brought down, that will represent the biggest-ever reversal suffered by the Left in this country.
Our campaign hashtag embodies the idea: #AbolishTheBBC. It needs to become a popular meme that is repeated every time the BBC is criticised on social media. With that in mind, we today launch our #AbolishTheBBC Twitter Campaign.
The aim is simple: we want our campaign hashtag, #AbolishTheBBC, trending on Twitter by Thursday 18th. October 2018. It's a tall order, but even if we fail, we are confident that we will have started something - and that is the real point.
Today, 30th. September, has been selected purposefully. It is an important date in the BBC's history. It was the date in 1967 when Radio 1 was launched, and this year it is also the 89th. anniversary of the first television broadcast by the BBC.
Likewise, 18th. October is also historic for the BBC. It is the 96th. anniversary of the formation of the British Broadcasting Company on 18th. October 1922.
It would be poignant if, on that historic day, a major social media platform had #AbolishTheBBC trending. We doubt the BBC will report it, but it will be noted.
What we ask of our followers is that you include #AbolishTheBBC in your tweets at every opportunity - especially when your tweet is about the BBC. Please also make others aware of our campaign.
eutruth.org.uk & libertarianpartyuk.com