Thursday, 16 August 2018

Abolitionist Mail 001

We are always grateful to receive supportive e-mails from readers of this blog.  

Here's an email recently received from a sympathiser, reproduced here with kind permission:

Good morning, 
I read your narrative with great interest, as I have become increasingly concerned by the ceaseless propaganda and selective censorship deployed by the BBC. 
I emailed the European Commission a while ago, to enquire as to where (within the EU) I should direct my concerns that the British public are in effect being coerced into funding a political organisation. The response was that it is a matter for the British government.  
I am in no doubt that if it was right of centre propaganda the BBC spewed out on a regular basis, then it would have been dragged before one of the various commissions or courts within the EU framework long before now, resulting in (probably) a damning verdict. 
It never ceases to amaze me how well organised and funded the 'left' are, and I feel it's time the rest of us adopted a similar strategy in order to fight this cancer within our society. 
[Name redacted]

Our response:

We believe that different aspects of the BBC's position could be open to legal challenge under European competition law, including (among other things): the imposition of a mandatory fee and the Corporation's over-dominance of different parts of the media and broadcasting industries.  It's an area we have researched - one of our Team is a lawyer - and it's something we hope and aim to explore in our posts to the blog.  It certainly remains a relevant area of interest for as long as Britain remains in the EU.

The bias angle that you mention is not something we have looked at in relation to competition law or other 'European jurisprudence' in the broader sense - for example, human rights under the HRA/ECHR, which are not dependent on EU membership.  It is an interesting point you raise, and we will give it some thought.

We also agree with you that there needs to be a wider strategy among people like us to attack and bring down all these institutions.  Coincidentally, it's a point we will be touching on again in a post that will be going up presently.

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