Saturday 18 August 2018

The BBC's Enforcers Uncovered

The next time somebody tells you about the BBC’s wonderful, marvellous, superb [Charles Dickens dramas/elephant documentaries/Andrew Marr history specials], show them this video:

Nothing could be more perfect.  What you see there is the true nature of the BBC, behind the cameras. Who, with any sense of scruple, could possible defend the BBC itself, let alone the TV licence?

We know what the BBC's stooges will say.  They will say this is a private company operating independently of the BBC.  The BBC won’t do its own dirty work – at least, not in regard to enforcing the TV licence.  TVL, a private company, is basically a sales and marketing business full of ruthless people working to conversion targets.  That is no excuse for the BBC.  If anything, it makes matters worse because it means they are willing to put the British public at the mercy of avaricious private sector enforcers.

What else are the BBC hiding from us?  We suspect quite a lot.

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